Check List

Development Flow

Main Step

Sub Step

Check List

task assignment

task definition

The manager should make the target, content, date, and owner as clear as possible.

branch creation

The manager should create a task branch.


sub-branch creation

If multiple owners or modules are involved,
the owner should create sub-branches postfixed with <module>/<owner>,
(for example, undergoing/update/source/xxx/implement/ADD/HLL)
the owner could directly work on the branch created by the manager.
(for example, undergoing/update/source/xxx/implement/master)


The owner should split his/her edits into atomic ones.
The owner should edit according to the coding style and template.


The owner should execute the script-based udpate list and check the logs
cd script; ./;
The owner should execute the script-based check list and check the logs
cd script; ./;
The owner should pass compilation
cd simulation/rtl/rtl_xxx; make com_view
cd simulation/rtl/rtl_xxx; make com_view EDA_CSTR_TOOL=syn
cd simulation/rtl/rtl_xxx; make chk_view
The owner had better pass simulation, especially for incremental changes or optimization.
cd simulation/rtl/rtl_xxx; make sim
cd simulation/rtl/rtl_xxx; make sim EDA_CSTR_TOOL=syn


The owner should make the check and synthesis results match expectations.
cd check/spyglass/sg_xxx; make chk then make chk_view
cd synthesis/design_compiler/dc_xxx; make syn then make syn_view
cd check/formality/fm_xxx; make chk then make chk_view


The owner should report the degree of completion in regular meetings.
The owner should notify the corresponding manager once he/she finishes the task.

branch review and merging


The manager should re-check the results of simulations, checks, and syntheses.
The manager should perform two more operations
cd synthesis/quartus/qt_xxx; make syn, several manual operations then make syn_view
cd synthesis/vivado/vv_xxx; make syn then several manual operations
The manager should review changes by “differing” the final commit with the corresponding starting point.


If anything improper is noticed,
the manager should discuss with the corresponding owner and directly note down TODOs in code files;
the owner should modify his/her implementation accordingly.
If nothing improper is noticed,
the manager should merge the task branch.

task branch merging

The manager should rebase the task branch onto the master branch.
The manager should re-check the results of simulations, checks, and syntheses.
The manager should review and minimize differences with the master branch.
The manager should add changing histories to the head of related files.
The manager should update the design version defined in file define_calc.vh if necessary.
The manager should execute the script-based update list and check list.
The manager should re-check the results of simulations, checks, and syntheses.
The manager should change the branch prefix from undergoing to merged and protect this branch.
The manager should make a “shortcut” commit on the master branch.
The manager should create a tag if necessary.
The manager should notice other co-developers to rebase their branches.


The owner should regression the master branch.
If regression fails
the owner should fix it
the manager should make a patch directly on the master branch